DEEP SPACE NINE: "Call to Arms" - REV. 04/24/97 - ACT TWO 17B. 14A CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Deploy the minefield and prepare for a Dominion attack. KIRA And when the attack comes? SISKO We're to defend this station until all the mines are in position and the field has been activated. WORF The Defiant will be unable to cloak or raise shields while deploying the mines. She will be an easy target. SISKO Then it will be up to DS9 to defend her. If the Dominion wants to stop the Defiant, they'll have to come through us. And as they each consider the task that lies ahead, we... CUT TO: 15 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Kira ENTERS Odo's office. KIRA You wanted to see me, Constable.