DEEP SPACE NINE: "Call to Arms" - REV. 04/24/97 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: SISKO I still feel better knowing they're out of harm's way. I just wish I could talk Jake into visiting Earth for a while. Just then, Rom and Leeta approach Sisko. LEETA Captain, can we speak to you for a moment? ROM If you're not too busy. SISKO Go ahead. ROM Would you marry me? I mean us? I mean, would you perform our wedding ceremony? LEETA It would be a great honor to be married by the Emissary. ROM It's not for another two weeks. So you'd have plenty of time to get ready. SISKO (smiling) I'll start brushing up on my Bajoran. ROM Me too. As Sisko is talking to Rom and Leeta, a crowd begins to gather by the windows. It's a mixture of Federation, Bajoran and Klingon personnel. Their mood is somber and quiet. O'BRIEN Captain.