DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Cards" - REV. 04/15/97 - ACT FIVE 57. 45 CONTINUED: SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) But for some reason, it now seems as though a new spirit has swept through the station... 46 INT. BASHIR'S QUARTERS Bashir is placing Kukalaka on a shelf in his closet and smiling happily to himself. SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) ... as if someone had opened a door and let a gust of fresh air blow... 47 INT. LEETA'S BEDROOM Leeta is looking everywhere for the bear and seems very puzzled as to why she can't find it. SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) ... through a musty old house. Why this is happening is frankly... 48 INT. CARGO BAY Kira has just finished her speech to a group of N.D. Bajoran delegates and they rise to their feet in applause. She basks in the approval. SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) ... a mystery to me. After all, nothing has really changed. 49 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Worf is listening and conducting the glorious music of Klingon Opera with a rapturous look on his face. SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) But maybe the explanation is as simple as...