96:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Cards" - REV. 04/15/97 - ACT FIVE 54. 43 CONTINUED: (3) WEYOUN I'm listening. JAKE We weren't supposed to divulge this, but you've left us no choice. We're working for Starfleet Intelligence. NOG (to himself) Oh, no. JAKE Forget it Nog, we have to tell him. (to Weyoun) We've been investigating the man whose picture you're holding in your hand right now. Until yesterday, that man, one "Willie Mays" did not exist in any historical documents. Then, in the blink of an eye, that card appeared on the station, and at the same moment, a bust of Willie Mays appeared at the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. There's only one explanation. (beat, then points to the card) We suspect that this man... is from the future. Weyoun looks at the card. WEYOUN A time-traveler? JAKE That's right. And so far that card is our only link to him. We have to find out what he's planning to do in the past. (ominous) ... or what he may have done already.