39:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Cards" - REV. 04/15/97 - ACT FIVE 52. 43 CONTINUED: JAKE (Cont'd) He had a baseball card that I wanted to give to my father to cheer him up -- my father's the Station Commander by the way. WEYOUN I know who your father is. Go on. JAKE That's it. We wanted the card so we agreed to help him get a few things for his research. We got all the equipment, but he disappeared about three hours ago and we haven't seen him since. Weyoun glances up at one of the Jem'Hadar Soldiers, who nods and then EXITS the room. Weyoun looks at the boys in silence for a moment, making them uncomfortable once again. WEYOUN Do you really expect me to believe that everything you've been doing for the last twenty-two hours has been perfectly innocent? That it was merely a coincidence that Doctor Giger was running experiments with highly charged polaric particles right below my quarters? I suppose there's also an innocent explanation for the secret meetings you've been having with virtually the entire senior staff of Deep Space Nine, or that Kai Winn met with you immediately after I left her?