DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Cards" - REV. 04/15/97 - ACT FOUR 45. 33 INT. PROMENADE A few seconds later Nog and Jake ENTER from the Security Office with chagrined looks on their faces. NOG You think he's really going to charge us with filing false reports, obstructing justice and being public nuisances? I can't have all that on my Academy record. JAKE I think he was just trying to scare us. Jake suddenly stops short as he sees something on the Second Level of the Promenade. JAKE (continuing) Nog, look. 34 JAKE'S POV Kai Winn and the N.D. Vedek seen earlier at the auction are talking on the Upper Level. 35 RESUME JAKE & NOG NOG (so?) It's Kai Winn. JAKE Do you see who she's talking to? That's the Vedek who was bidding against us at the auction.