115:[1,#b],209:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Cards" - REV. 04/15/97 - ACT THREE 42-42A. 28A INT. NOG'S ROOM Nog is standing in the middle of the room with his eyes closed, trying to concentrate on the ridiculously loud music. JAKE (shouting) I'm trying to work out here! NOG So am I! I have to listen to all of Worf's opera recordings and filter out the sub-harmonic distortions! JAKE Can you turn it down? I'm trying to add a little humor to Kira's speech to the Agricultural Delegation! NOG (getting fed up) No! I have to listen at precisely eighty-two decibels because that's the volume Worf listens at! Of course, if I could've simply told him why I needed two meters of electro-plasma conduit from the Defiant he probably would've just given it to me and things would be a lot quieter around here! JAKE We can't tell anyone Nog! Jake finally snatches the PADD out of Nog's hands and turns OFF the music. JAKE Now, listen to this for a second: (off his own PADD) "Thank you for that kind introduction, and thank you for inviting me to address you here today. I've always thought it odd that the topic of water reclamation was usually treated as such a dry subject." (to Nog) Is that funny? NOG No.