DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Cards" - REV. 04/15/97 - ACT THREE 41. 26 INT. WEYOUN'S QUARTERS which as luck would have it, are right above Giger's Quarters. Weyoun has his ear to the floor listening to the strange cacophony of sound emanating from the room below. The Jem'Hadar Soldiers are scanning the floor with Dominion tricorders. WEYOUN (to himself) What's going on down there? CUT TO: 27 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 28 INT. JAKE'S ROOM Jake is writing something on a PADD. He's trying to concentrate, but it's pretty hard considering that there's LOUD KLINGON OPERA blaring across the quarters from Nog's room. The music keeps repeating certain bars, rewinding, going forward, slowing down, speeding up, etc. Jake tries to shut out the noise and keeps writing. But finally, it's no use. He storms over to the door to Nog's bedroom. JAKE (shouts) Nog! Turn it down! Nog!