DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Cards" - REV. 04/15/97 - ACT THREE 31. 20A CONTINUED: O'Brien moves on to the next row of containers, leaving Nog and Jake alone for the moment. NOG What's the matter with you? Just tell him you're trying to give your father a gift. JAKE No. I want this to be a surprise. You know you can't keep a secret on this station. I tell the chief, he tells Keiko, she tells Dax... NOG But you're not giving him any reason to help us. Jake is a little stymied at this point, so Nog sees that he'll have to step in. NOG (continuing) Okay. Let me show you a little something about incentive-based economics. Nog moves back to the Chief and Jake follows. NOG Chief, may I ask you a question? Wouldn't you rather be doing something else right now? O'BRIEN (bitter laugh) Almost anything. NOG But isn't there something specific you'd rather be doing... like going to the holosuites, maybe?