14:[2,#b],87:[1,#b],159:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Cards" - REV. 04/15/97 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 6 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing the station. 7 INT. JAKE & NOG'S QUARTERS Nog is sitting in a chair with his arms crossed, glaring at Jake and determined not to be swayed. Jake is just as determined to get the diminutive Ferengi cadet to bend. NOG No. JAKE Come on, Nog... NOG No. JAKE Why not? NOG It's my money, Jake. If you want to bid at this auction, use your own money. JAKE I'm Human, I don't have any money. NOG It's not my fault that your species decided to abandon currency-based economics in favor of some philosophy of self- enhancement. JAKE (defensive) Hey, watch it. There's nothing wrong with our philosophy. (with pride) We work to better ourselves and the rest of Humanity. NOG (confused) What does that mean exactly?