180:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Cards" - REV. 04/15/97 - TEASER 6. 5 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Oh, Nog. You don't really keep it under your bed? NOG (tight) No, of course not. Nog begins looking through the items on the PADD. Jake glances over out of curiosity. JAKE Where'd you get all this stuff, Quark? QUARK I'm just conducting the auction -- for a modest commission. The items up for sale were aboard an old derelict freighter the Bajorans found adrift about a light year from here. (selling it again) The cargo hold was crammed with valuables of every description -- antiques, paintings, vehicles... NOG It's all a bunch of junk. Quark glares at him, but Nog pays him no mind. NOG (to Jake) Listen to some of this stuff: mid- twenty-fourth century ceramic Romulan water basin -- slightly cracked; a pair of Tellerite shoes -- date unknown; a mid-twentieth century Hew-mon baseball card; a Tholian pedestal of-- Jake suddenly snatches the PADD out of Nog's hand. JAKE A baseball card! (reads PADD) "A mint condition nineteen fifty- one Willie Mays rookie card." Nog this is it!