13:[5,#b],21:[1,#b],208:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Cards" - REV. 04/15/97 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "In the Cards" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS We're at the end of a dinner party that SISKO has thrown for the senior staff, but it may be the most downbeat social affair on DS9 in the last two years. BASHIR and O'BRIEN are getting quietly drunk at one end of the table, a bottle of scotch sitting between them. KIRA and ODO are sitting next to them. WORF is standing off to one side, seeming to inspect Sisko's art collection, but it's really an excuse to avoid the after-dinner conversation. Sisko is at the head of the table, trying to be the genial host, but his heart just isn't in it tonight. JAKE and NOG are removing the dirty dishes from the table and they exchange a few glances between them as the depressing evening drags on. O'BRIEN Did you hear about the Tiananmen? She was reported missing last night. Near the Cardassian border. KIRA That's three in the last three weeks. BASHIR We're going to run out of ships at this rate. KIRA That's not funny. BASHIR It wasn't meant to be. Unless Starfleet Command starts doing something about the Dominion, the situation's just going to get worse. KIRA What do you want Julian? A war? But Sisko jumps in before Bashir has the chance to reply.