132:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Empok Nor" - REV. 04/07/97 - ACT THREE 39. 65 CONTINUED: Garak smiles to himself -- he knew he was right about him. Suddenly, he reacts to something off screen -- 66 GARAK'S POV In the shadows beyond Amaro and Boq'ta, we can make out a figure. It's the second Cardassian soldier. Amaro and Boq'ta haven't noticed his presence. 67 ON GARAK instead of calling out and warning them, which might cause the Cardassian to retreat, Garak falls back into the shadows and moves along the wall circling around to try to get behind the Cardassian soldier. 68 ON BOQ'TA AND AMARO still at work, unaware of the imminent danger. 69 ON GARAK, stealthily moving, weapon in hand. He looks over towards where the Cardassian soldier was hiding. He's no longer there. 70 ON BOQ'TA AND AMARO Boq'ta is struggling with something in the open panel. BOQ'TA I can't get this loose. Get me the coil spanner, would you? Amaro moves over to the tool box a few meters behind them. 71 ON AMARO as he fishes through the box trying to find the tool. AMARO What does it look like? BOQ'TA (O.S.) It's got two pointy things on the end.