DEEP SPACE NINE: "Empok Nor" - REV. 04/07/97 - ACT TWO 25. 35 CONTINUED: (3) PECHETTI We could use the station like an old-fashioned telegraph, and tap out an S-O-S. O'BRIEN For the pulses to be strong enough to reach Deep Space Nine... we'd have to boost power to the induction grid. (deciding) Pechetti, get down to the Habitat Ring and bring the microfusion reactor back on-line. Stolzoff -- go with him. Boq'ta -- realign the magnetic flow field in conduit G-four. Amaro will watch your back. Nog and Garak are with me. We'll set up the signal generator in Cargo Bay Four. Stay off the communicators as much as possible we don't want to give away our positions. Any questions? (nobody does) Let's go. As the teams split off, their weapons at the ready -- 36 EXT. SPACE - EMPOK NOR (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 37 INT. EMPOK NOR - CONDUIT Boq'ta is working away at an open access panel, while Amaro is crouched nearby, keeping a sharp lookout. Boq'ta is really sweating the situation, he's very nervous. 38 ANGLE ON THE OPEN PANEL to see his hand shaking as he tries to tighten a bolt. He drops the tool, it goes CLATTERING down into the tangle of circuitry. 39 AMARO reacting to the sound. Boq'ta tries to get a hold of himself, taking a deep breath.