DEEP SPACE NINE: "Empok Nor" - REV. 04/07/97 - ACT ONE 21. 30 CONTINUED: GARAK Both these tubes have been activated recently... We HOLD ON Garak's grim expression -- 31 INT. EMPOK NOR - CORRIDOR JUNCTION O'Brien and Nog are working on a large open panel, struggling to extract a big piece of equipment (presumably, a plasma distribution manifold). Nog has neatly laid out all his tools near O'Brien. In the b.g., Stolzoff unpacks some more equipment. O'BRIEN Coil spanner. Nog slaps the needed tool in his hand. O'BRIEN Flux-coupler. This time, Nog reaches for the desired tool, but realizes it isn't there. NOG (to himself) Uh-oh. O'BRIEN (insistent) Flux-coupler. NOG (apologetic) I left it on the runabout. I'll go get it right away, sir. Nog dashes out the door -- then pops back in to correct something: NOG I mean, Chief. Then he dashes back out again. O'Brien returns to work but is immediately interrupted by -- GARAK'S COM VOICE Garak to O'Brien. O'BRIEN Go ahead.