DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - ACT FIVE 52. 80 CONTINUED: EDDINGTON Too bad. And with that, Eddington leaps up and fires at the Jem'Hadar.. Several phaser blasts catch him in the chest, and he's flung backward against the well. 81 CLOSE ON EDDINGTON As the life slips away from him. EDDINGTON (the word dying on his lips) Rebecca... Eddington slumps over. We hold on his face, peaceful in death. 82 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) As the Runabout leaves orbit. 83 INT. RUNABOUT Sisko's in the pilot's chair. Rebecca's sitting in the same seat Eddington used. Sisko looks over at her. Their eyes lock. But there's nothing either one of them can say. And as Sisko turns back to the controls, we... DISSOLVE TO: 84 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 84A INT. PROMENADE Kira is walking down the Promenade when she hears... NOG (O.S.) Major. Kira turns to see Nog, jogging to catch up to her. He's carrying a small piece of metal. KIRA My earring clip. Where'd you find it?