DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - ACT FIVE 49. 75 CONTINUED: (2) EDDINGTON We're not going to prison. Not if I have anything to say about it. SISKO Right now, I suggest you concentrate on getting off this planet. We can worry about the rest later. EDDINGTON (simple) There's nothing to worry about. You're not going to put us in jail. Not this time. SISKO You never give up, do you, Mister Eddington? EDDINGTON Never. Just then... 76 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) A phaser shot strikes one of the Maquis in the back, killing him. Sisko and the others look back and see Jem'Hadar emerging from the fog. They fall back and return fire. 77 EXT. MAQUIS SETTLEMENT - BY THE WELL - NIGHT Sisko and the others reach the courtyard with the well. Sisko, Eddington, and Rebecca take up firing positions at the entrance to the courtyard, while the other Maquis head for the well. EDDINGTON Go. Whatever happens, don't stop until you get to the runabout. 78 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Jem'Hadar approach from down the street, firing as they leapfrog forward. Sisko, Eddington and Rebecca provide covering fire for the retreating Maquis. EDDINGTON You too.