DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - ACT FOUR 45. 67 CONTINUED: (2) Eddington looks up at Sisko, and aims the Jem'Hadar rifle at him. EDDINGTON I wish I knew for certain that killing you would make me feel better. Sisko lets the statement hang there in the air between them. EDDINGTON But I suppose that can wait for another time. Eddington gets to his feet and walks on. After a beat, Sisko stands up and follows him. 68 EXT. MAQUIS COMMAND CENTER - NIGHT Close on Sisko and Eddington as they look at a bunker- like building. There're no Jem'Hadar in sight. EDDINGTON That's it. SISKO You're sure. EDDINGTON You want to stand here and argue about it? Come on. It looks clear. Eddington starts to head for the building, but Sisko stops him. SISKO Wait. 69 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Without warning, Sisko pops up out of cover and sprays the entire side of the building with phaser fire from the Jem'Hadar rifle. Two Jem'Hadar, who've been camouflaged by their chameleon-like cloaking ability, shimmer in as they're blow back against the wall and collapse to the ground. 70 CLOSE ON SISKO AND EDDINGTON Eddington turns to Sisko.