DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - ACT FOUR 42. 62 EXT. MAQUIS SETTLEMENT - BY THE WELL - NIGHT Minutes later. Sisko pushes the second corpse onto the lip of the well. Just then, the dead Jem'Hadar's communicator sparks to life. JEM'HADAR COM VOICE Patrol team two report... Patrol team two... The voice is cut off as Sisko dumps the body into the well. SISKO In a couple of minutes this whole settlement is going to be crawling with Jem'Hadar. So you'd better get us to that launch site now. Eddington looks around as if trying to get his bearings. EDDINGTON That way. SISKO Are you sure? EDDINGTON Reasonably. That's about the best Sisko can hope for. The two men, each carrying Jem'Hadar rifles, move into the darkness. 63 EXT. MAQUIS SETTLEMENT - STREET - NIGHT Sisko and Eddington move cautiously around a corner. 64 EXT. MAQUIS SETTLEMENT - ANOTHER STREET - NIGHT Sisko and Eddington pick their way carefully through the settlement, aware that they could run across more Jem'Hadar at any moment. 65 EXT. MAQUIS SETTLEMENT - ALLEY - NIGHT Eddington and Sisko come to an intersection. Eddington looks a little confused. He stops to get his bearings. EDDINGTON We're close. SISKO Then let's keep moving.