211:[4,#b],228:[5,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - ACT FOUR 40. 56 CONTINUED: There's a stack of pipe lying behind the storage drums. Sisko grabs a piece to use as a makeshift club. EDDINGTON I can barely see two meters in front of me. How will I know what I'm aiming at? SISKO I'll be the one holding the pipe. EDDINGTON Attacking two Jem'Hadar soldiers with a pipe? (sarcastic) That's a brilliant plan. SISKO It could be worse. EDDINGTON I know. It could be me holding the pipe. Sisko slips away into the fog. 57 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) On the two Jem'Hadar, wholre struggling to find their targets in the fog. One of them motions to the other to move to the left. His partner nods, but before he can move out, they hear the BING of a pipe hitting stone. They turn in the direction of the sound. There's another BING. They turn again. The sound is moving to their right. As their bodies shift to the right, anticipating yet another Bing, Sisko suddenly charges out of the fog from their left. He clubs one Jem'Hadar in the head, dazing him. The other spins to fire, but Sisko deflects the rifle as the Jem'Hadar pulls the trigger and the shot goes wide. The stunned Jem'Hadar struggles to his feet, but as he lifts his rifle, he's shot by a phaser. He goes down. Sisko continues his struggle with the remaining Jem'Hadar. 58 ANGLE ON EDDINGTON Who has risen up from behind the drums and is aiming into the darkness and fog.