48:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - ACT THREE 37. 50 INT. RUNABOUT Eddington turns to Sisko. EDDINGTON Next stop, Athos Four. A grim little fogbound piece of rock in the middle of nowhere. SISKO What better place to hide a missile launching site? EDDINGTON We thought so. SISKO Sensors aren't detecting anything. EDDINGTON That's the general idea. There's too much interference to detect anything. But it's there. SISKO We'll never get a transporter through all this static. EDDINGTON We don't need to. There's a shuttle pad not far from the launch site. SISKO Then take us down. 51 OMITTED 52 INT. CAVE TUNNEL - NIGHT Sisko and Eddington move through the tunnel, lighting their way with palm beacons. They both carry tricorders. Sisko's armed with a phaser. SISKO How far? EDDINGTON A few kilometers. This tunnel will take us most of the way. Sisko scans the tunnels.