DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - ACT THREE 36. 48 CONTINUED: Martok looks down at Nog. MARTOK We will decide when it's time to move. NOG Station regulation eight-two slash seven B clearly states that loitering on the Promenade is prohibited. MARTOK Is that so? Nog stands firm. NOG It is. Now either move... or I'm going to have to place you under arrest. Martok glares down at Nog for a long beat, then bends over until he's nose to nose with the young Ferengi. MARTOK You are either very brave or very stupid, Ferengi. NOG (nervous) Probably a little of both. Martok can't help himself. He laughs. MARTOK Indeed, courage comes in all sizes. (leans over Nog) But don't tempt fate. (to his companion, in Klingon) Khi-GOSH. ("Let's go") They stride off. Jake joins Nog. JAKE Nog. I'm impressed. NOG Klingons. You just have to know how to handle them. Nog struts off, standing a little taller. 49 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Runabout enters orbit around a planet.