DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - ACT THREE 35. 45 CONTINUED: NOG I don't believe this. 46 NEW ANGLE - NOG'S POV Martok and two of his officers are standing in Jake and Nog's old spot on the Second Level. 47 ANGLE ON JAKE AND NOG As they react to the Klingons. Jake doesn't see the problem. JAKE What's wrong? NOG They're loitering on the Promenade. In our old spot. JAKE I guess they know a good view when they see one. NOG Don't you get it? They know I'm territorial about that spot. They're purposely doing this to insult me. Nog heads up the stairs. Jake follows him. JAKE Nog, you are definitely getting stranger as you get older. NOG I can't let them do this to me. Nog reaches the top of the stairs and puts a restraining hand on Jake's chest. NOG Stay back, Jake. This could get ugly. 48 NEW ANGLE Nog approaches the Klingons. NOG (screwing up his courage) All right... it's time for you to move along.