DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - ACT THREE 29. 31 CONTINUED: EDDINGTON (Cont'd) (looks at the panel) Point four AU and closing. You'd better get started. SISKO Hold the ship steady. I don't want any accidents. EDDINGTON I'll do my best. Sisko stares at Eddington. He knows he has to put his life in the hands of a man he doesn't trust and it doesn't come easy. Sisko EXITS. Eddington turns back to his panel and smiles. He's enjoying this. 32 INT. RUNABOUT - JEFFERIES TUBE This is similar to the Jefferies Tubes on the Defiant, a tight space lined with power relays and system controls. Sisko crawls in, carrying a tool kit. He pops off a panel. Inside, along with the usual circuits there's a sealed metal box marked with hazard indicators.