DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - ACT TWO 25. 27 CONTINUED: (3) EDDINGTON You're crazy. They're almost on top of us. Sisko sips his raktajino. SISKO I'll say one thing about these replicators. They make good Klingon coffee. Suddenly an alarm goes off on the control panel. EDDINGTON They're scanning us. SISKO Should be in firing range any minute now. EDDINGTON Very clever, captain. But it's not going to work. I am not going to take the helm. SISKO Fine. EDDINGTON That is what you're trying to do. Sisko just takes another sip of raktajino. EDDINGTON (insistent) Isn't it? SISKO I'm just trying to see how serious this death wish of yours really is. I'm betting it doesn't even exist. Just like I'm betting you won't be able to sit back and let your friends start a war that could destroy the Alpha Quadrant. EDDINGTON That's an awfully big bet. SISKO I don't think so. Eddington knows his bluff has been called but he hates to give Sisko the satisfaction. SISKO (a challenge) Point Seven AU.