DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - ACT TWO 23. 25 NEW ANGLE Everything stops in the bar. Martok and the Klingons look over at Nog, and then explode with laughter. Jake goes to check on Nog. JAKE You okay? Nog lies on his back and looks up at Jake. NOG I'm fine. Just tell me when everyone leaves. JAKE Why? NOG Because I'm not getting up until they do. 26 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Runabout enters the swirling plasma storms of the Badlands. 27 INT. RUNABOUT Sisko's at the controls. We can see the light of the Badlands reflecting off his face. He's notices something on a panel. SISKO Eddington... Eddington, who was asleep in the other chair, opens his eyes. EDDINGTON Are we there yet? SISKO Where? EDDINGTON (smiles) That's the question, isn't it? Sisko doesn't respond to Eddington's jibe. SISKO There's something here I want you to see.