89:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - ACT TWO 20. 21 CONTINUED: (5) SISKO (sarcastic) Your leadership. Your shining moment of glory. Michael Eddington gets to take off his gold uniform and play hero. Isn't that what you always wanted? To lead troops in a glorious cause. (cold) Well, you had your chance. And look where you led them. Right into their graves. This takes some of the wind out of Eddington's sails. EDDINGTON They died because I wasn't there when they needed me most. Because you put me in jail. SISKO They died because you filled their heads with false hopes. Sold them dreams of a military victory when what they needed was a negotiated peace. EDDINGTON We had the Cardassians on the run. SISKO And they ran right into the arms of the Dominion. (a beat) End of story. Sisko's had his say. He sits down. EDDINGTON Not quite the end. SISKO That's right. A few survivors from your noble crusade have decided to launch a pointless retaliatory strike against Cardassia. EDDINGTON It's not so pointless. If you can't have victory, sometimes you just have to settle for revenge. Eddington takes his seat.