42:[1,#b],65:[1,#b],136:[1,#b],140:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - ACT TWO 19. 21 CONTINUED: (4) EDDINGTON He felt the same way about you. (a beat) He thought you were wrong about the Maquis. But he forgave you. Which is ironic, considering you never forgave him. You can't forgive any of us. And not because we betrayed Starfleet or the Federation... but because we betrayed you. Sisko doesn't answer this. He's still reeling from the news of Cal Hudson's death. EDDINGTON (going in for the kill) That's what this is all about. Your ego. Where Benjamin Sisko leads, all must follow. Sisko turns back to Eddington. SISKO Is that what you believe? Eddington gets in Sisko's face. EDDINGTON It's the truth, isn't it? The Maquis were never much of a threat to the Federation. But we were a threat to you. Our existence was a stain on your record. And you couldn't have that. Not when you were so busy measuring yourself for an admiral's uniform. Sisko's had enough. SISKO You want to blame me for what happened to the Maquis? Fine. Go ahead. Blame me. Blame Starfleet. Blame the Federation. Blame everyone but Michael Eddington. EDDINGTON (defensive) The Maquis won its greatest victories under my leadership.