DEEP SPACE NINE: "Blaze... " - REV. 03/21/97 - TEASER 5. 4 CONTINUED: SISKO Were you able to decode it? Martok reaches out and hits a button on the PADD. 5 CLOSE ON THE PADD (OPTICAL) As the numerical data is replaced by the face of an attractive Maquis Woman in her early thirties. Let's call her REBECCA. REBECCA Michael. I hope you get this message. We've launched the missiles. They should reach Cardassia in thirteen days. It may not bring back our dead, but at least they're going to have a lot of company. The message ends. 6 CLOSE ON SISKO AND MARTOK Now Sisko looks as worried as Martok. SISKO Did you detect any missiles? MARTOK No. But that proves nothing. (a reluctant admission) A few months ago, the Klingon high council decided to aid the Maquis in their fight against Cardassia. We provided them with thirty Class- Four cloaking devices. It was our understanding that they would use them on their ships.