DEEP SPACE NINE: "Children... " - REV. 03/11/97 - ACT FOUR 45. 54 SISKO smiling as he sees that they're joining in... 55 BROTA watching a settler struggle with a plow stuck in the earth. He motions for him to get out of the way, gets behind the machine, and pushes it free... 56 BASHIR pausing to wipe the sweat from his brow. The SHOTS start getting tighter on the action and shorter in length, giving the scene a sense of growing momentum and pace. It becomes a rousing celebration of the indomitable spirit of the community. 56A THE SUN now lower in the sky... 57 OMITTED 58 WORF cutting a hole with a soil corer... 59 GABRIEL AND KIRA moving along the rows of planted seedlings, dispensing fertilizer... 60 MIRANDA handing seedlings off the now half-empty cart... 61 A SON OF MOGH we haven't seen before, pushing a plow... 61A O'BRIEN as he cuts a hole in the earth. Molly runs up to him with a fresh seedling.