DEEP SPACE NINE: "Children... " - REV. 03/11/97 - ACT THREE 37. 33 CONTINUED: (2) BROTA Kill me, Worf. He tries to hand Worf the dagger... BROTA I have no enemies to fight, no glory to be won. Give me an honorable death. Worf hesitates... Parell and the other "Klingon" unsheath their daggers as well... PARELL Don't make us wait for the end like farm animals waiting for slaughter. Worf makes is decision... WORF I will come to you tomorrow... and do what you ask. And with that Worf takes his leave of them... off their faces as they watch him go... 33A EXT. SETTLEMENT - DAY BREAK (MATTE/OPTICAL) As the sun rises over the hills... 34 OMITTED 34A EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE - MORNING (LOCATION) As Kira kneels to study the grave marker, Odo watches her for a long moment... ODO Why did you want to come back here? KIRA I needed to see it again... so I could be sure. ODO Sure about what? KIRA That this is where I belong.