DEEP SPACE NINE: "Children... " - REV. 03/11/97 - ACT TWO 28A. 24B CONTINUED: KIRA But if you can... I just want to say that I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner. I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way. I didn't mean to. She pauses, collects her thoughts... KIRA You're probably wondering what's going to happen next. So am I. The only thing I know for sure is that I don't want anything to get in the way of our friendship. Kira thinks for a moment, making sure she's said her piece. KIRA But do me a favor... if there's anything else you're keeping from me, any other deep dark secret I should know about but don't -- just tell me, okay? Kira becomes aware of something out of the corner of her eye, turns to see an N.D. NURSE standing there watching her with an uncertain look on her face. It's unclear how long she's been there. Kira musters an embarrassed smile... KIRA Hi. The Nurse manages to smile back... KIRA Excuse me... And with that, Kira crosses past her and EXITS... off the Nurse as she watches her go, wondering what that was all about... 25 OMITTED