16:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Children... " - REV. 03/11/97 - ACT ONE 15. 15 CONTINUED: SISKO Forty-eight? Yedrin knows this is going to be hard for our people to hear. YEDRIN Kira died a few weeks after the crash. The energy discharge that struck her on the bridge damaged her neural pathways. The Defiant didn't have the medical equipment Julian needed to treat her. Yedrin and Dax exchange a look -- they're both thinking the same thing: that they were responsible for bringing them through the barrier, and by extension, what happened to Kira. LISA (brightly) Do you want to see where she's buried? Dax manages a smile -- DAX Maybe later. Miranda sees our people's discomfort, decides to send the girls away. MIRANDA Girls, why don't you run along and help your parents? It's almost time for planting and there's a lot to be done. The girls share a moan of protest, but gather their papers and scamper out of the room. LISA/MOLLY Bye. Sisko has been thinking about something... decides to come out with it... SISKO Obviously we need to get Kira back to the station for treatment as soon as we can repair the Defiant.