13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Children... " - REV. 03/11/97 - ACT ONE 11. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 14 EXT. TOWN SQUARE - DAY - CONTINUOUS Yedrin looks at our people's faces, can see that they're not about to accept this claim at face value. He smiles, gestures to Dax's TRICORDER. YEDRIN Go ahead, Jadzia. Scan me -- you'll find the Dax symbiont right here. He pats his abdomen. Dax glances to Sisko, who nods she go ahead. DAX (off tricorder) It's true. YEDRIN The symbiont has been passed down to Jadzia's descendents for three generations. (smiles) I remember all of you like it was yesterday. Sisko looks at Yedrin, struggling to make sense of it all. YEDRIN If you scan Miranda, you'll find that her DNA is substantially similar to the chief's. DAX (off tricorder) She's an O'Brien, all right. Miranda hastens to point out -- MIRANDA And a Tannenbaum, too. Miranda, like the rest of the descendents, is not just aware of her lineage, she's proud of it.