DEEP SPACE NINE: "Children... " - REV. 03/11/97 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: ODO When did this happen? KIRA Last week. Odo's heart leaps up into his throat. After feeling he lost Kira to Shakaar, she's suddenly available again, and it's bringing his long-buried feelings to the surface. DAX No wonder you've been so down lately. KIRA I miss him. But last time we were on Bajor, we went to the Kenda Shrine and asked the Prophets if we were meant to walk the same path. DAX And? KIRA We're not. Dax isn't sure what she thinks of this... DAX You make it sound so... cut and dry. KIRA The way I see it, people are either meant to be together or they're not. DAX I guess I'd rather believe that any relationship can work if both people really want it to.