DEEP SPACE NINE: "Soldiers... " - REV. 03/03/97 - ACT FIVE 54. 48 CONTINUED: Time seems to stand still for these two men. The SOUND of the crowd FADES AWAY and for this instant, it seems as though no one else is here. Worf searches in Martok's face for something... and finally finds it. It is a moment of Tova'dok -- Worf knows what's in Martok's heart and now Worf knows what he must do... 49 NEW ANGLE As we return to real time. Worf breaks the hold and moves back to circle for another chance. Martok is now the aggressor, charging and slashing at Worf with a ferocity only hinted at earlier. 50 THE CROWD is a little surprised by Martok's new offensive posture, but their bloodlust is in full cry and it doesn't really matter to them who wins and who loses at this point -- their screams are incoherent, almost insane as they give themselves over to the madness of combat. 51 THE FIGHT Martok presses the fight... Worf retreats... then finally Worf makes a fatal mistake and Martok KNOCKS the knife out of Worf's hand and sends it flying across the Bridge. Martok snarls and PLUNGES the knife deep into Worf's side and then pulls it out again -- a grave, but not fatal wound -- and Worf goes down onto the deck. The crowd falls silent for a shocked moment as Worf hits the deck... Martok turns to them, breathing heavy... and then Kornan begins the chant: KORNAN Martok... Martok... Martok... And in a moment, they all take it up, until it is a frenzy of screaming voices: ALL MARTOK! MARTOK! MARTOK!! MARTOK!!