DEEP SPACE NINE: "Soldiers... " - REV. 03/03/97 - ACT FIVE 52. 39 CONTINUED: (2) WORF You are... a coward and I challenge you for command of this ship. Martok stares at Worf for a moment, unwilling to believe this betrayal by his friend. For the moment, the rest of the Klingons forget their internecine conflict and step back away from the two men, leaving the center of the Bridge to Worf and Martok. MARTOK I never would've expected this from you, Worf. Worf feels the tug of his loyalty and friendship for this man, but shoves it aside. He pulls his knife and readies himself for the fight. Martok glances around the Bridge at the faces of his crew -- sees no way out, and then pulls his own knife. 40 THE FIGHT begins with the two men circling each other warily around the captain's chair... then Worf LUNGES at Martok. The General moves out of the way and HITS Worf as he passes, but Worf barely feels the blow... 41 THE KLINGONS watch with little expression at first, maintaining an eerie calm as the life-and-death struggle plays out only a few short feet away. Only Dax seems to have any kind of emotional stake in what's happening. But as the fight goes on, we should see that the Klingons can't help but get emotionally involved in the fight... their warrior instincts and hormones rising to the fore despite themselves... 42 THE FIGHT Worf is clearly the better combatant -- Martok is on the defensive and only barely able to keep Worf from landing the killing stroke by clever use of the chairs and consoles of the Bridge. Worf SLASHES Martok's free arm, drawing first blood and getting a YELL in response from the gathered crowd.