DEEP SPACE NINE: "Soldiers... " - REV. 03/03/97 - ACT THREE 34. 22 EXT. SPACE - BIRD OF PREY (OPTICAL) The ship at warp. 23 INT. KLINGON MESS HALL Dax ENTERS the room, looking tired and drawn. Leskit is sitting on the table, drinking glass after glass of bloodwine and getting nicely drunk. Ortakin is standing nearby, leaning against the bulkhead and listening with a scowl to Leskit. Kornan is sitting alone from the others, with his head buried in his heads. We can't tell if he's staring at the tankard of bloodwine in front of him or if his eyes are closed, but it's a disturbing sight for a Klingon to be hunched over in a posture of misery. Dax grabs a mug, fills it with bloodwine and grabs a seat as Leskit continues his drunken rambling. LESKIT (a little drunk) ... two years I've spent on the Cardassian border. Two years of fighting guls and legates and glinns. They were cunning enemies... always had us chasing sensor ghosts and holo- projections... everything was a game with them... a plan within a plan within a plan leading into a trap. (he fingers his necklace) It was an honor to kill them. Ortakin spits on the deck in contempt. ORTAKIN The Cardassians. Leskit wags a finger at the younger Klingon. LESKIT Ah, but you can respect a Cardassian.