DEEP SPACE NINE: "Soldiers... " - REV. 03/03/97 - ACT ONE 16. 9 CONTINUED: (2) DAX Oh, I'm coming with you. WORF What? DAX The Rotarran's short-handed and I still have four month's leave coming. I've already cleared it with Martok and Benjamin. I'm your new Science Officer. She smiles at him, enjoying his discomfort. WORF Why didn't you tell me? DAX It was more fun this way. (getting more serious) And after getting a good look at a couple members of the Rotarran's crew... I don't think we're going to be having a lot of fun on this mission. Worf thinks about the implications of that as Dax turns and EXITS to the airlock. CUT TO: 10 EXT. SPACE - BIRD OF PREY (OPTICAL) The Klingon ship is docked at the station. 11 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE Dax is sitting at a science console (and now armed with a phaser), going over some readings when she feels like she's being watched. She turns and meets the gaze of Kornan and Leskit, who are at the Tactical and Helm stations respectively. (other Klingon N.D.s as needed.) Dax looks at them squarely, without the slightest qualm and for a moment it looks like it'll be a staring contest... then Dax suddenly throws out her arms and yells: DAX BOO!!! Kornan and Leskit both flinch back in surprise and then the sound of a woman's LAUGHTER pierces the Bridge.