115:[1,#b],164:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Soldiers... " - REV. 03/03/97 - ACT ONE 9. 5 CONTINUED: WORF (continuing) You... know that I was forced to fight the Jem'Hadar guards in the camp... (off his nod) Each day they would call me to the ring and each day I would fight. But then, there came a day when I... wavered. SISKO You mean you didn't want to go back into the ring? WORF No. I mean that I considered letting them kill me. It seemed like the only way out. (beat) Just before I went into the ring, Martok turned to wish me success... and then he saw what I was planning -- saw it in my eyes. It was a moment of Tova'dok. SISKO Of what? WORF There is no human word for it. It is a moment of... clarity between two warriors on the field of battle. Much is said without the need for words. In that moment, Martok knew what was in my mind. (beat) Once I realized that he saw my intention to give up, I could no longer go through with it. I went back into the ring... and fought once more. A quiet beat as Sisko studies the face of this man he knows so well and yet doesn't know at all. Worf immediately feels uncomfortable. WORF Perhaps it is something that a human cannot understand... Sisko picks up a PADD and makes a few entries.