DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 47. 33 CONTINUED: ROM These are my profits, Chief. My entire fortune. It may be small, but it's mine. O'BRIEN Why the two piles? ROM I'm thinking of giving this pile to Leeta. That way maybe she'll sign the W.P. and P. O'BRIEN You're offering her a bribe? ROM Bribes can be very effective. O'BRIEN But if she signs the waiver, then she can't own anything and she'd have to give it all back to you. ROM (thinking it over) Right... that's not going to work, is it? O'Brien walks over to him. O'BRIEN Rom, I don't think there's any way you're going to convince Leeta to sign that waiver. But Rom appears not to be listening. He just gazes at his piles of "wealth." ROM Have you ever looked at latinum... I mean really looked at it! It's so beautiful... not to mention smooth to the touch. O'BRIEN Do you want Leeta back or not?