106:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT FOUR 46. 31 CONTINUED: (4) ZEK Oh, who cares about duranium anyway? QUARK Daimon Igel. ZEK (nervously bewildered) Daimon Igel? Who's he? Do I like him? Quark is completely thrown by all this; this isn't the Nagus he knows and admires... 32 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (STOCK) (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 33 INT. ROM'S QUARTERS Rom is seated, his head resting on his crossed arms, which in turn, are resting on a table. He gazes directly in front of him at eight piles of strips and slips of latinum that have been divided into two separate groupings. The rest of the room is a mess. Rom has clearly neglected his housekeeping chores. After a beat, the door CHIMES. ROM Come in. O'Brien ENTERS. Rom doesn't take his eyes off the latinum. ROM Hello, Chief. O'Brien scans the room; the mess tells him all he needs to know about Rom's current state of mind. O'BRIEN I need that phase calibrator I lent you the other day. ROM It's in my tool kit, by the door. But O'Brien's attention is now focused on Rom. O'BRIEN What are you doing, Rom?