DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT ONE 14. 9 CONTINUED: QUARK (defensive) I'm visiting my mother... ZEK That's no excuse. You've been banned by the F.C.A. (an order) You must leave Ferenginar at once. Quark snaps to -- wanting to carry out the Grand Nagus's instructions instantly. He grabs his bag and makes a beeline out of the room. 10 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Quark continues towards the front door, passing a worried Moogie on his way. QUARK (panicked) Got to go. The Nagus... he knows I'm here -- Quark reaches the door before he realizes something. He stops dead in his tracks. QUARK Wait a minute... (turning to face Moogie) What's the Nagus doing in my closet? ISHKA (all innocence) The Nagus? QUARK (not buying it) Moogie... Ishka can see that Quark is not going to budge without an explanation. ISHKA (calling out) Zekkie. You might as well come out. QUARK Zekkie? (a beat) What's going on?