DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - ACT ONE 9-10. 6 CONTINUED: DAX That's a very enlightened attitude, Rom. O'BRIEN Rom is not your traditional Ferengi male. ROM I guess not. DAX (to Rom) You're probably the least Ferengi-like Ferengi I've ever met. ROM I guess so. But Rom looks faintly bothered by this. Dax picks up on it. DAX It's not a bad thing, Rom. No traditional Ferengi male could ever marry a non-Ferengi and be happy. (off his look) He could never trust her. Off Rom as he contemplates her words. 7 EXT. FERENGINAR - MATTE SHOT (STOCK) (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 8 INT. ISHKA'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM Quark is seated on a coach next to Moogie. Quark has been pouring his soul out to her, and as he nears the end of his story, Moogie seems sympathetic, yet a bit impatient for it to end.