13:[5,#b],21:[1,#b],149:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Ferengi Love... " - REV. 02/18/97 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Ferengi Love Songs" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. PROMENADE - OUTSIDE QUARK'S BAR A somber QUARK paces the Promenade across from the bar doors. The bar is closed, the windows are shuttered -- but through the glass doors, we see occasional FLASHES of intense bright red lights accompanied by excited SHOUTS from inside. VOICES "Look out -- behind you." "I see him." "Under the Dabo table!" "There's one on the railings." "I got him." The activity only increases Quark's depression. He stops pacing and stares forlornly at the bar. DAX (O.S.) Who's winning the war? ANGLE ADJUSTS to include DAX, stepping up to Quark. QUARK Too early to tell. DAX It's been three days. QUARK Don't remind me. (a beat) They found a nest. DAX That's good. QUARK It wasn't the main nest. DAX That's not so good. I thought Chief O'Brien trapped the last vole on the station months ago. QUARK Well, obviously he missed a couple. A married couple. They breed like tribbles.