DEEP SPACE NINE: "Business as... " - REV. 1/30/97 - ACT FIVE 51. 41 CONTINUED: Hagath's mind is racing ahead, trying desperately but unable to come up with a solution. HAGATH (to himself) Seventeen million... it's better than nothing. QUARK Then what you have to do is tell him there's been a change of plans. (as if thinking on his feet) Tell him we have something new to show him... might take a little longer to get the results he wants, but we'll give him a twenty percent discount. In the meantime, I'll have a sample of Varaxian LM-Seven sent here and we'll arrange for a small demonstration. We'll find a planet with some low-level lifeforms no one will miss. HAGATH (mulling it over) I'll talk to the Regent, keep him from leaving. You make sure you get that sample here as soon as possible. (a warning) Don't fail me, Quark. QUARK Believe me, I want this deal to go through more than anybody. I'm finally out of debt -- these will be the first profits I get to keep. HAGATH (slapping him on shoulder) Be quick. Quark EXITS into the corridor. 42 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR As soon as the door CLOSES behind him, Quark SIGHS with relief and looks at his hand, which is TREMBLING slightly.