DEEP SPACE NINE: "A Simple... " - REV. 1/20/97 - ACT FIVE 60. 52 CONTINUED: Arissa shows him her hands, her sleeves, then turns around in a similar fashion. TRAIDY (pleased) Very smart. Traidy holds out his hand. Arissa steps toward him, away from the door behind her. She pulls out the crystal, hands it to him. He looks down at it for a moment... TRAIDY Any idea what's on it? ARISSA No. You'll have to figure that out for yourself. TRAIDY Don't go, yet. You haven't met my associate. Behind Traidy, Sorm. steps out of the shadows with his weapon. He doesn't aim it at her, just lets her see it. Arissa knows this is trouble, tries to stay calm. ARISSA How are you? She starts to turn back toward the door, but Sorm raises his weapon and trains it on her. SORM Fine, thank you. A moment as she stands there in the sight of his weapon. ARISSA (hard) Draim and I had a deal. TRAIDY He was in a very emotional state when he agreed to it. The truth is, you really hurt his feelings when you left. SORM He liked you. A moment... then Sorm takes aim. SORM (kindly) Maybe you should close your eyes.