DEEP SPACE NINE: "A Simple... " - REV. 1/20/97 - ACT THREE 40. 30A CONTINUED: BASHIR Odo... ? ODO Sorry to interrupt. I need to talk to you. (looking at woman) Alone. BASHIR Of course. Odo opens the door and starts to climb inside. Bashir knocks on the window to the driver's compartment. BASHIR Driver, stop the car. The LIGHTS slow to indicate the car coming to a stop. BASHIR (opening the door for the woman) We'll just be a minute... She scowls at Odo, and steps out. ODO Isn't that the woman I was supposed to steal away from Falcon? BASHIR Well, yes... (a wan smile) -- but since you didn't show up... ODO You swept her off her feet. BASHIR Sort of. ODO Tell me... how did you know she was interested? BASHIR It's that kind of program. What's this all about, Odo?