DEEP SPACE NINE: "A Simple... " - REV. 1/20/97 - ACT THREE 39. 29 CONTINUED: (7) ODO Well... I'm going to see if they've made any progress decoding the crystal. Make yourself comfortable. I'll check in on you later. ARISSA I'm not going anywhere. And with that, Odo makes his EXIT... off her face as she considers their talk... 30 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 30A INT. HOLOSUITE/LIMOUSINE where we find Bashir enjoying his holosuite adventure. He's riding in the back seat with the WOMAN whose picture we saw in the Teaser. Through the darkened windows we see LIGHTS occasionally pass by, indicating that the car is moving on a flat, straight stretch of highway. Bashir is wearing BLACK TIE, and she's dressed to match -- complete with sixties-era hair and makeup. He's helping her out of a PARACHUTE HARNESS, improbably strapped around her cocktail dress. He's already taken his own harness off and tossed it on the floor. BASHIR Let me help you with that... As he helps her out of the harness... BASHIR Extraordinary... you just jumped out of an airplane at twenty thousand feet, and there's not a hair on your head out of place... She smiles coyly, and indeed it's true -- her hair is immaculate. We can see she's smitten by the suave secret agent. Suddenly there's a KNOCK on the glass. They react -- Bashir pulls out his GUN, rolls down the window to reveal Odo trying to peer inside. Strangely, the LIGHTS are still moving behind him to indicate the car is still in motion.