DEEP SPACE NINE: "A Simple... " - REV. 1/20/97 - ACT ONE 17. 16 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) - DEEP SPACE NINE Re-establishing. 17 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Odo and Arissa stand outside a door, having just rung the bell. After a beat, Odo presses the wall panel again. ARISSA Maybe he's not in. Odo works the panel, inputs a security code. ODO (off panel) According to the access log, he's inside. Odo works the panel and the door OPENS -- 18 INT. GUEST QUARTERS as the door OPENS to reveal Odo and Arissa in the corridor. These are the same guest quarters we saw Traidy and Sorm break into in the Teaser. ODO (calling in) This is Security. (beat) Hello? No answer. They move inside, look around. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. The personal effects we saw earlier are gone, presumably taken by Traidy and Sorm. Arissa crosses to look inside the bedroom. Odo sees something on the floor that catches his attention -- a small, round indentation in the carpet near the couch. Odo pushes the couch aside to REVEAL the faint SINGE MARKS left by the Idanian when he was vaporized.